Our School

Principal’s Message

At Athol Road Primary School, we are more than just an educational institution; we are a nurturing community dedicated to the growth and flourishing of every individual who walks through our doors.

Here, our staff are not just educators; they are passionate mentors who collaborate tirelessly, continually expanding their knowledge and skills to enhance student learning and wellbeing at every turn. Our commitment to fostering a professional learning community means that every decision we make is centered around improving the lives and futures of our students.

We take pride in cultivating a culture of respect, where self-respect, respect for others, and respect for our wider community are paramount. Our environment is not merely static; it evolves dynamically, constantly challenging and engaging our students, while nurturing innovation and creativity.

Learning at Athol Road PS is a lifelong journey where everyone has the capacity to learn and grow, given the right opportunities and support. Central to our mission is the holistic wellbeing of every individual, nurturing optimism and promoting positive mental and physical health as a cornerstone of our educational approach.

I am deeply proud of our dedicated staff, our friendly and courteous students, and our incredibly supportive parents. Together, we create a vibrant tapestry of learning experiences, from personalised learning spaces that enhance student wellbeing to a diverse range of specialist programs and enriching extracurricular activities. Our on-site Early Learning Centre provides a nurturing foundation for our youngest learners, while our excellent facilities and resources ensure a conducive environment for growth and exploration.

As principal, I want the best for my students, and I want my students to want the best for themselves! At Athol Road PS we are committed to supporting students to not only excel academically but also to develop into well-rounded individuals equipped to face the future with confidence and to believe in their limitless potential.

To those new to our school community, I extend a warm welcome. I trust that your journey with us will be enriching and memorable, filled with purposeful learning and enduring friendships that span years.

I am enthusiastic about continuing our journey of transformation at Athol Road Primary School, ‘a vibrant learning community, where lives are transformed and individuals inspired to achieve beyond what they ever believed possible’.

Our doors are always open, inviting you to join us in fostering a positive parent-school partnership that is integral to our shared success. Together, let us create a future where every child thrives, and every dream is within reach.

Carmel Nigro

School Profile



Athol Road Primary School has a current enrolment of 421 students, comprising over 30 different cultures with approximately 80% of students who do not speak English at home.  The school is a unique, diverse community of learners with a focus on the RICH school values of building RESPECT, encouraging INNOVATION, valuing COMMUNITY and setting HIGH EXPECTATIONS. The school’s richly diverse multicultural community works together to create a well-resourced, orderly learning environment which caters for the needs of each individual and acknowledges and celebrates achievements. Cultural diversity flavours all school programs and provides a background for teaching tolerance and respect. Each individual is challenged to grow emotionally, intellectually and socially to achieve their personal best.


Professional Learning Community

The school operates as a Professional Learning Community with a commitment to continuous improvement. Teachers work collaboratively with a focus on improving improve student learning outcomes. ​ Teachers are highly dedicated and have a collective commitment to all students. Personalized Learning underpins the teaching and learning whereby the individual needs, interests and learning styles of all students are at the centre of every decision made.


Student Wellbeing

The school strongly believes the emotional and physical wellbeing of students is pivotal to their success at school and in their future lives. Students are better prepared for learning when they are healthy, safe and happy. At Athol Road Primary School student welfare is the responsibility of all staff who deliver a whole school approach to student health and wellbeing. In addition, specialised support staff work with students and families to support the diverse needs of the community. The building of supportive caring relationships which fosters a strong sense of connectedness and belonging is central to every aspect of school life.


Student Learning and Engagement

Multi-skilled teachers, supported by strong leadership and a dedicated team of non-teaching staff, are committed to implementing a forward thinking, student focused curriculum which is engaging, challenging and sustainable. The curriculum is designed to foster curiosity and develop higher order thinking which allows students to solve problems, gain understanding and discover new meanings. Student Voice, Agency and Leadership is integrated in all aspects of student learning and the school environment. All students are valued and acknowledged as having unique perspectives on learning, teaching and schooling. Students are provided with opportunities to express their ideas and thoughts and actively shape their own education.   Athol Road Primary School fosters the potential talents of its students by enriching their bodies, minds and creativity through a diverse range of learning experiences and opportunities:

  • Environmental Education with a focus on Sustainability
  • Physical Education, Interschool Sports, Athletics and Swimming
  • Performing Arts, Senior and Junior Choirs, School Concert, Wakakirri
  • Visual Arts incorporating Digital Media
  • LOTE: Mandarin
  • STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
  • 1:1 Chrome Books, iPads and notebooks
  • Robotics and Coding
  • Out of School Hours Care
  • Breakfast Club


The Early Learning Centre

The Athol Road Primary School Early Learning Centre provides a seamless transition to school and a strong link with the local community. It is located on the school site and caters for over 100 children each week in:

  • A 5 star playgroup program focusing on the development of self-confidence through experiences that stimulate the senses, develop fine and gross motor skills and facilitate the development of emerging language and social skills
  • 3 and 4 year old kindergarten programs where children are supported in building self-esteem, confidence and a positive attitude to learning through an indoor, outdoor play based program which allows them to explore and experience success

ARPS Philosophy

Athol Road Primary School is a unique, diverse community of learners whose focus on:

  • building             Respect
  • encouraging     Innovation
  • valuing              Community
  • setting               High Expectations

fosters a RICH learning environment where each individual is challenged to grow emotionally, intellectually and socially to achieve their personal best.  The belief that every child can learn is inherent in every decision the school makes.

The building of supportive, caring relationships is the school’s core building block and central to every aspect of school life.  Every person involved in the school has a responsibility to understand the specific role they play individually and collectively to ensure that the wellbeing and safety of all children and young people is at the forefront of every decision made, with particular attention paid to the cultural safety of Aboriginal children, children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and children with disabilities.  The school has zero tolerance for child abuse and is committed to providing a child safe environment where young people feel safe and their voices are heard about decisions that affect their lives.

Students are taught to work cooperatively with others, to think laterally, make their own decisions and be responsible for their own learning and behaviour.  The embedding of school values is supported by GR8 People.

The school’s multicultural community works together to create a well-resourced, orderly learning environment which caters for the needs of each individual and acknowledges and celebrates achievements.  Cultural diversity favours all school programs and provides a background for teaching tolerance and respect.

Multi-skilled teachers, supported by strong leadership and a dedicated team of non-teaching staff, are committed to implementing a forward thinking, student focussed curriculum which is engaging, challenging and sustainable in order to equip students for the demands and opportunities of a changing society.  What teachers think, what teachers do and what teachers are, at the classroom level, drives the school focus for continuous improvement.  The school operates a model of sharing that builds capacity, within levels and across the school, to improve teacher knowledge, understandings, skills and practices to transform teaching through:

  • collecting relevant data to explicitly drive teaching
  • building teacher professional learning on an individual and whole school level
  • implementing a curriculum that is integrated and scaffolded to support student learning with a particular focus on oral language development to build strong literacy and numeracy skills
  • sharing and transferring knowledge and good practice

The school strives to foster the potential of our students by enriching their bodies, minds and creativity through a diverse range of extension activities that enhance the formal curriculum and challenge students to achieve excellence in a wide range of cultural and sporting activities.

The school recognises the importance of the home/school relationship and encourages parent participation.  In co-operation with parents and the community, staff members establish high expectations for all students as the standard and provide a safe, supportive environment where students have the opportunity to become productive, knowledgeable and responsible citizens.  Multicultural ethnic aides and interpreters are used extensively to maximise participation.

An enthusiastic School Council and wider parent network are encouraged to participate in the decision-making process and facilitate effective communication throughout the community.

Team Purpose