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Policies, Plans & Reports

Policies & Guidelines

Policies are integral to the effective management of our school. They provide clear guidelines across the range of school operations. At Athol Road Primary School, thinking and planning processes are comprehensive and consider all aspects of the school and the school community.

Uploaded onto our web page are some policies and guidelines which you may find useful. Copies of policies not listed on the website are available by contacting the school office.

Out of School Hours Care [OSHC]

The Athol Road Primary School Out of School Hours Care (OSHC), while accessible to others, has been established to service families with children enrolled at Athol Road Primary School. As the service is an extension of the school program and is operated by the School Council, school policies and procedures, where appropriate, apply to the OSHC Service.

The program offers after school care and, while operational on pupil free days where there is sufficient demand (Curriculum Days), does not operate during public holidays.

The program is funded by a combination of user fees and DHS grants.

Staff members are employed by School Council under the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development 2009 Education Support Certified Agreement.

School Council is responsible for the overall management of the service. A coordinator is responsible for issues directly related to the children attending the program and is accountable to the school principal for the daily operations of the program. The collection of fees is managed through the school office.


Athol Road Primary School Out of School Hours Care Program aims to:

  • Provide a safe, healthy environment which is non-threatening and nurturing
  • Provide a place where children feel they are special
  • Promote positive, cooperative relationships with staff, parents and children
  • Offer a program that encourages participation and cooperation
  • Provide planned, active and passive recreational activities relevant to the children’s needs
  • Provide opportunities for children with additional needs to participate in the program

Bookings & Payment of Fees

  • While bookings are not essential, they can be made by phoning the school office on 9547 1224
  • The Child Care Benefit is available to all parents approved by Centrelink
  • Accounts are issued in the week following care and are required to be paid within 7 days
  • Fees not paid within the required time will incur a $10.00 late fee unless otherwise arranged
  • Payment is to be made by cash, cheque or Eftpos
  • Accurate records of all transactions will be maintained and receipts issued upon payment

General Information

After School Care: 45 places

Times: 3.30pm – 6.00pm

$22.00 per session less Centrelink rebate

Availability: Every school day and all day on pupil free days if sufficient demand

Enrolment forms and further details are available from the school:

Location & Contact

Athol Road Primary School

Address: 159 – 167 Athol Road, Springvale South 3172

Telephone: 9547 1224


Philosophy Statement

Athol Road Primary School OSHC is committed to providing a quality before and after school care program that is based on the belief that:

  • everyone, regardless of their race, gender, culture, religion or disability has the right to expect and demand equal access to all aspects of the OSHC program
  • each child is an individual with specific strengths and interests and so the program must cater to the individual needs of each child
  • a safe, stimulating inclusive environment where children, staff and caregivers interact with each other in a positive and supportive atmosphere promotes self-esteem and trust
  • play is the basic foundation of the program as it supports children to reach their full potential
  • the opportunity to acquire, practise and consolidate new skills, in a supportive environment, is vital in middle childhood.

Parents Group

Parents Group operates every Wednesday in the term (except the first one) from 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm (you can always check the calendar to make sure). This is an informal gathering where we participate in a range of activities including:

  • Exercise
  • Cooking (last Wednesday of every term)
  • Cultural Dance
  • School Specific Projects (Garden of Hope, Wetlands, Staff Appreciation Day, School Concert)
  • Gardening

This is a great place to meet other parents and discuss any issues or ideas you might have in relation to the school, parent participation or raising children. We also have at least one member of school council present at each parent group meeting, so if you have something you would like formally taken up by the school, that is a good opportunity to make your request.

If you have younger children, they are more than welcome to come along, there are plenty of toys to play with.

School Uniform

The school uniform can be purchased from the office during school operating hours. See link to the current price list.

Our school zone

Our school zone is available on which hosts the most up-to-date information about Victorian school zones.

Students residing in this zone are guaranteed a place at our school, which is determined on the basis of your permanent residential address.

The Department provides guidance through the Placement Policy to ensure that students have access to their designated neighbourhood school and the freedom to choose other schools, subject to facility limitations.

You can find more information and answers to frequently asked questions on the Department’s website under School zones.