Foundation students have had the opportunity to get their hands dirty with a whole lot of preparing and cooking of food.

They have toured the school kitchen garden and identified lots of different produce on their travels.

They completed the following cooking/preparing projects and had a great time doing so:

  • Making lemonade using lemons from the school garden.
  • Making popcorn.
  • Putting together burgers for their Twilight School dinner.
  • Making butter and using it on their Vegemite toast.
  • Making super healthy fruit salads, fruit wands and fruit faces.



Maxwell enjoyed constructing his burger.                                                  Branda with her heart topped fruit wand.


Steven squeezing lemons with all his might.                                            Stella discovered potatoes in the school garden.



Sahara & Jieming, first time Vegemite buyers.                                        William making butter – not easy but fun!


Hayley thought that Vegemite toast was even more delicious when you make your own butter.