ARPS recently celebrated the Foundation students’ 100 days of school. The students looked amazing, coming dressed as 100-year-old people. They brought food for a centenary morning tea. Tasha’s mum even baked 100 delicious cupcakes – an amazing feat which we were all so grateful for! The students talked and wrote about what they thought their lives would be like when they were 100 years old and came up with ideas including: ‘I will have white hair.’ ‘I will have fake teeth.’ I will have a walking stick.’  Haha!! That’s something for them all to look forward to! The day culminated with a special assembly where all of the Foundation students were awarded with a 100 Days of School medal.

William, Rayna, Jieming & Maranda looked dapper as 100-year-olds.


The Foundation students were very excited to receive medals to celebrate their 100 days of school.