Year 3/4 Maths

Year 3/4 Maths

Maths What a big term of learning our Year 3 and 4 Mathematicians have in front of them! They have begun the term by investigating the idea of equivalence in equations and that the equal symbol means that both sides of an equation need to balance and using operations...
Year 5/6 Inquiry

Year 5/6 Inquiry

Inquiry How can we budget, save and manage our money? What is the economy? How do we keep a record of expenses? Students have started term three with a bang by making important financial decisions! They are making their own nature fun park. They have identified...
Foundation Cooking Term 2

Foundation Cooking Term 2

Foundation students have had the opportunity to get their hands dirty with a whole lot of preparing and cooking of food. They have toured the school kitchen garden and identified lots of different produce on their travels. They completed the following...
Year 1/2 Maths

Year 1/2 Maths

This term, students have explored a range of mathematical concepts and have continued to develop their problem-solving skills. They have been encouraged to think like mathematicians to articulate their reasoning and understanding. “This term I learnt how to break...
Inspirational Speaker

Inspirational Speaker

Year 3/4 students  were fortunate to hear Luke speak last Wednesday. The students were engaged and listened attentively as Luke told his story. Some of his messages were: not to self-bully not to have negative thoughts look after yourself don’t worry about what other...
Foundation Transition

Foundation Transition

The Foundation students have teamed up with the Kindergarten children as part of the Transition Program. This allows the process of settling in to a new learning space easier for the Kindergarteners, getting them ready for their first year of Primary School in 2020!...